úterý 5. února 2013

Abstrakce temperou No. 2 - Tempera Abstraction No. 2

Dnes další ze série malých obrazů malovaných temperou na plátno. Dnešní abstrakce je malována spíše v chladnějších barvách spektra - lehce melancholických, ale s akcenty žluté a purpurové - jako symbol naděje :).

Today painting is another from the tempera paintings on canvas series. This abstraction contains more cool colors of the spectrum - lightly melancholic, but with accents of yellow and purple - as a symbol of hope :).

1 komentář:

  1. So deeply gorgeous..I love how you shared it is a symbol of hope..for the first thing it brought to my mind were 'rainbow-flames"..sparks of colors coming to life..the beginnings of creation and life! Magical and poetic! I love how they weave in together with a whispy feeling..yet such strength moving too!
    Powerful piece!!


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